Thursday, August 2, 2012

Donkey Tales

It was still quite dark when our son, who lives next door, was walking his dog a couple mornings ago.  He had approached a neighbor's freshly cut alfalfa field, just beyond our woods and creek, when he heard snorts.  Sounded like it could be donkeys, so came back for us. Our instinct was to run, but knew that would spook them.  What we feared the most was that our little ones would be there with some others and get lost/separated from their moms. Turned out to be a bunch of our teenagers (yearlings and 2 yr. olds) and a couple older jennets...ten in all.  Two of our yearlings, Hermione and Firestar Rose, always come up to us no matter where or when, so was easy herding them back home...In fact, they followed Rod like he was the Pied Piper, with our son and me at the rear. The entire herd, including our young foals and their moms, had evidently been out to the big pasture in the night and on their return to the barn, a couple of teenagers bringing up the rear discovered the gate hadn't been locked securely.  They will be checking out that gate from now on...but so will we!!!

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