Monday, August 18, 2014

Special Donkey Bonds

When our pregnant jennies are close up, we have them in the foaling pen nights under watchful eye of our barn cam.  Most "need" a buddy in with them while a few just see it as a relaxing vacation with extra TLC.  Once the mom-to-be is in labor, we let her buddy out.
Those of you who have animals know all have their unique personalities.  One of our jennets, Roses, is especially shy.  When we bought her as a weanling at four months of age, rather than bond with a donkey her own age, she adopted one of our older jennets, a yearling named Dessa Fox.  Over the years they each have had babies, but still remain very close.  This spring, when Roses was due to foal, we put calm, gentle, Dessa, who was due a month later, in with her..This time we allowed Dessa to stay as Roses gave birth to little Rex.  Before either were standing, Dessa went over and checked him out, then stood by the gate to leave...All was well!  After Roses and her little foal were both up, Dessa "asked" to go back in again.  Touched noses with Roses, then asked to leave once again.  So precious!
This is the time that the new moms normally want only us near their babies, not the other donkeys.  There are donkey bonds and there are special donkey bonds!  This one is very special!
Roses with her little Rex

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