Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Art of Rolling

Donkeys love to roll and if there is no "dust hole" available, they will make one.  This is an instinct, but also takes practice to perfect.  At first the little ones have a difficult time making it all the way over from one side to the other. Holding their legs out straight causes them to flop back.  They are indeed quite proud of themselves when can finally flop all the way over.  Gradually they learn to fold their legs and with finesse, make a nice smooth roll from one side to another, as demonstrated above by Angelique, Angelino's mom.
And why in the world do they roll, you ask...The literature says donkeys need to coat themselves with dust (or mud when it is wet out) as protection from biting insects, but they seem to love rolling anytime of the year.  Guess they just haven't read the literature!  I think the truth is they do it because it just feels so good!

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